At Hamers, we’re committed to providing friendly, local law. It’s what we do best.
We strip away all the legal jargon and focus on providing you with a personal, hassle-free experience.
To do that, we’ve built a professional, friendly team of experts who are on hand to make sure our clients receive the best service possible.
To help you get to know them better, we’ve launched a new series – “Hang out with Hamers.”
We’re introducing you to members of the Hamers team, from all departments of the firm.
This week we chat to Loren Little, a Solicitor who specialises in wealth management.
Q) Tell us about your role at Hamers – what does a typical day look like?
“I work in the Wills & Probate team at Hamers, so my typical day includes meeting clients, completing documents and making sure everything is done on time and correctly.
“If I’m working on a will, the first meeting with the client will be looking at their assets, discussing who they want to leave their money to and any other instructions they may have.
“From there, I’ll prepare all the documents and send them out for approval, and then the client will be invited back in for the signature process.
“The whole process takes a few weeks, and is really simple and easy.”
Q) What do you enjoy most about your job?
“It might sound a bit strange to say, but when I’m on probate work I deal with a lot of grieving families, and I consider it a privilege to be able to help and advise people at one of the most difficult times of their life.
“It’s sensitive work, and you always have to be mindful of the client, but it’s incredibly rewarding to be able to help people at that time.”
Q) Tell me one thing people wouldn’t expect about working for a law firm.
“I would say working for a law firm is a lot different to what a lot of TV shows and films would have you believe.
“People love watching programmes like Suits, and I think they imagine law firms to be all politics and drama. It really isn’t like that.
“Certainly at Hamers, things are friendly, welcoming and more relaxed. Our clients definitely feel that.”
Q) What do you like to do when you’re not at work?
I have two children who are aged four and one, so they take up a significant part of my life outside of work. My eldest has just started at primary school, so that has been a big step and milestone.
“We enjoy days out at Piglets Adventure Farm near York, or Honeysuckle Farm. We go swimming and visit the park, and when the weather is nice in summer, we spend days at the beach.”
Q) What’s one thing your colleagues wouldn’t know about you?
“I have a phobia of fish! I can look at them, and I actually enjoy visiting an aquarium, but I can’t be in the water with them.
“It started when I was about 12 and was on holiday with family in Crete. I went snorkelling and as soon as I saw a fish that was it, I had to get out of the water.”
Quick-fire Questions
Q) You can invite any three people – dead or alive – to dinner. Who’s at the table?
“I would invite Barack Obama, George Ezra and Baroness Hale, who was the first woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court.
“I think the conversation between Barack Obama and Baroness Hale could get quite deep, so George Ezra would be a good person to break it up and keep it light!”
Q) Favourite TV show?
“At the moment it’s House of the Dragon. I was obsessed with Game of Thrones, and Matt Smith is just a brilliant actor in the new series. Definitely a must-watch.”
Q) What’s the best place you’ve been on holiday?
“I got engaged in Budapest in January this year, so I would have to go with that!”
Q) Early bird or night owl?
“I’d have to say early bird, but it’s not entirely by choice! Having young children definitely has that effect.”
Q) If you could win an Olympic gold medal in any sport, what would it be?
“I’ll go with some form of gymnastics. I’ve never been very good at it, but I think it would be great to be able to do all of that!”
28 October, 2022
Phil Winter
If you would like to talk to a member of the department
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